Wednesday, April 18, 2007

an answer

So yesterday i checked my mail box at school and found one envelope inside. I pulled it out, read it and found that i had been awarded a scholarship for $2500. I tried to hide my excitement and managed to run into the bathroom before dancing around like an idiot. This was very timely as i've been thinking about going back to work at camp this summer, but wondering how i would ever get enough money for school next year.

Not only is this an answer to my current need, but its an answer to a long-standing question i've had of God. That question is "what the heck?". Let me backtrack. I went to Briercrest College right out of high school and began by degree in youth ministry. I got a $2,500 grant for use in the second semester, but at the beginning of December all of a sudden i began to feel that i shouldn't be there anymore. This was wierd because up till then i had really been enjoying it. It was even more wierd because moving would mean giving up the grant. Thats like throwing away free money and that just didn't make sense. So i prayed. I prayed more and harder than i had ever prayed in my life. And after weeks there were no real concrete answers about why i was supposed to do this. Just that i was. God wanted me to be back home. That was his will for me, and it was worth more than $2,500. I had enough of a peace about it to follow through on that, so i packed up my stuff and came home.

For the year following that i was really puzzled over the whole thing, and could not see why God had told me this. Life back home sucked. I was expecting immediate signs of why i was supposed to be here, and got none. A year later i ended up getting a position in the youth ministry at my church and things picked up. I think that had alot to do with God calling me back home. But this money i received last week reminded me of this whole process that i had just kind of forgotten. Woah, i mean... it really floored me when i thought about that whole story. God just kind of smiled and said "Denver, I'm taking care of you".

Sometimes God asks his people to do crazy things, crazy things that don't make sense. Often theres a cost involved in chasing after those crazy things. But He will always take care of you. Most of the time i'm really caught up in myself, but its times like these where i'm able to see a glimpse beyond my small plans and worries, and catch what God is doing. His plan is huge, and its detailed and He is in control. Praise him.

(A cool movie about faith and money is called Millions. If you haven't seen it, see it. Its pretty liberal, pretty funny, and pretty awesome.)